Thursday, January 17, 2008


What is honesty?
I wonder sometimes how honest we are? The very definition of honesty has changed.
Every one has its own way of defining what is honesty.

For some people sticking to the good old values and being truthful etc etc is honesty and for some people it is "do whatever you want to do as long it doesn't hurt any one?" Or for some people it is ""do whatever you want to do as long it doesn't hurt the ones you know?"

Isn't it too confusing? When did honesty become a shoe size with every one having different numbers?

The moral degradation of our world can be attributed to our quest of convenience. We have been finding ways to make our life convenient, finding every possible way to make it easier and easier. And along the path we lost a lot of things as simple as honesty. We started with the physical convenience and reached to a state where we want everything convenient even our moral standards.

Some times I look at the problems surrounding us and try to analyze them, every time I find these problems are someway related to degradation of moral values. I wish all of us can realize the simple solution to most of the complex problems is simple, plain 'Honesty'.


Anonymous said...

People should be Honest with themself before to anyone else..

Anonymous said...

Nicely written.
I think this is even more relevant in today's politically-charged, matrix work place. It is so incredibly hard to work with someone who is not honest.

Unconditional honesty, respect for others and being fair are characteristics that define the best managers in the work place.

These are the same qualities that help bring peace and harmony to humanity.