Friday, August 3, 2007


All exciting things last for a finite time.

Every changes brings a new aspect to the whole environment. I am sure a lot of us would have noticed "the feeling of change"
Anything new or changed brings "uncertainty, doubt and excitement". All these strong emotions can be triggered with even a slightest change in our environment. Imagine you sitting in a big room at mid night working on some time critical project and suddenly it is dark. With in a fraction of second your mind races to thousands of thoughts filled with fear or confusion or worries of consequence of this darkness, you start creating situations, scenarios (positive, negative) you analyze them, you rationalize them etc. All with in a split second.

Have you thought how we are able to do all this with in a split second.

I think it is the power of change and uncertainty, which kicks of our subconscious and conscious mind working together to its best.

Our mind has infinite capability and it has an amazing trait of learning & evolving based on situations. We hardly utilize our brains to 15% of its capability. We always prefer known compared to unknown. Our brain does the most important work in an unknown situation, What to do and How to do. Instead of giving a chance to our brains, we always go to known, comfortable and easy situation.

I know If given an opportunity I would like to settle in a city where I have lived, go to a party where I know a lot of people, work in an organization where I know the work, travel to a place where I know the road. It is all because I don't want to deal with "unknown", anything which involves uncertainty.

But as some one said if you don't explore the unknown, the mystery, You will never know the possibilities available in this universe.

Go take some risk, try an unknown. As Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump said "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

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